Thursday, August 7, 2014

6 Tips to Fight White Coat Syndrome

Plenty of people have a latent fear or mistrust of doctors, medical professionals, or anyone in a lab coat. So much so that there's actually a scientific term for it. It's called white coat syndrome, and it has very real observable and measurable physical effects on patients. Many people actually experience an increase in blood pressure while being examined by medical personnel as their heart rate increases due to the stress they experience. 
Not only do the effects of white coat syndrome strike many dental patience, but as a medical field, more people experience anxiety and fear at the dentist than in any other form of medicine. Fear of the dentist is very common for understandable reasons. A dentist must poke and prod in your mouth with an intimidating set of tools. 

Never-the-less, dentistry, and the overall field of medicine, are important to your well being and getting regular check ups will improve your quality of life. At Hamlin Dental Group, we want to help you get there. Here are six tips for facing your fears and fighting your anxiety! 

  1. State your needs: Ask what can be done to make you more comfortable and communicate with your dentist. If something hurts, say something! Don't be prideful. Remember, family dentistry is a business designed to help you not do you harm. 
  2. Ask for information: A significant amount of fear stems from the unknown. Ask lots of questions! If you enter the situation knowing exactly what's going to happen and what you're going to feel, you won't be as nervous. 
  3. Go with someone you trust: Bring a support system! Choose a caring friend or family member who you know will make you feel better. 
  4. Use distraction: Bring along your favorite music or, if you have a smartphone, ask your dentist if you can catch up on Orange is the New Black on Netflix during a procedure. 
  5. Employ meditation techniques: Try the "leaky tire" breathy exercise. Take a deep breath, then slowly let the air out through slightly pursed lips. It will lower your heart rate. 

At Hamlin, we know plenty of people have misgivings about the dentist. That's why we dedicate ourselves to providing a warm, caring environment along with our top-notch treatment to soothe any fears you may have. If you're looking for a North Hollywood dentist, look no further!  

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