Friday, December 27, 2013

It's OK to Take the "My Two Front Teeth" Child Seriously

Christmas has gone, but the holiday still has long lasting effects on our teeth. No, we don't mean the sugary treats and cookies that drive many patients to a Hamlin Dental Group dentist in Van Nuys, North Hollywood, or Northridge. We are referring to the veneration of missing teeth perpetuation by the hit holiday single "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth."

This adorable little ditty about a child who can't pronounce s-sounds and waits for the day his or her smile will fill in might make aficionados of all things twee swoon. Nonetheless, not having front teeth can actually be a serious issue for more than speech reasons. Missing teeth can affect self-confidence, change the shape of your face, and increase wear and tear on the remaining teeth. It can also cause nutritional concerns; difficult food to eat is often the most nutritious (think of apples, vegetables, nuts, lean meats, many other fruits, etc.).

Here at Hamlin Dental Group, comprised of offices that provide a dentist in North Hollywood, Van Nuys, and Northridge, we can address serious concerns (like missing front teeth), provide routine cleanings, and much more. We prioritize a gentle and preventative approach to our general and cosmetic dental pursuits and want to make our services as comfortable and—much like "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"—child-friendly as possible.

Give Hamlin Dental Group a call for a dentist in Northridge, Van Nuys, or North Hollywood if you're missing any of your teeth at 888-400-8011.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Give Your Smile a Merry Little Christmas

As the number one gentle dentist in North Hollywood, Van Nuys and Northridge, it should come as no surprise that at Hamlin Dental Group, we love the holiday season! The feelings of goodwill that emanate from the homes and hearths put us in high spirits. 

Yet, while we love the many holiday sweets as much as the next person, the fact remains that they can do a heck of a number on one's teeth. For instance, candy canes may be Santa's sweet of choice, but like any sugary sweet that dissolves in your mouth, they can be exceptionally tough on the teeth. Further still, many kids and grown-ups alike find themselves unable to resist the temptation to bite off a piece, which can lead to cracks or chips in teeth. If you really love candy canes, there's nothing wrong with a bit of indulgence - particularly around the holidays - but definitely try to enjoy in moderation. It's also a good idea to wash out your mouth with water and brush afterwards.

Of course, at Hamlin Dental Group, we want you to enjoy all that the holidays have to offer, which is why we want to share some options for sweet holiday treats that will do little harm to your teeth -

  • Fruit Filled Yogurt - Yogurt with fresh bananas, strawberries and blueberries won't just taste better than your average fruit cake, but it will also be much easier on your teeth!
  • Pear Parfait - a sugar free pear parfait can be made with a little sugar-free whipped topping, some granola for crunch and perhaps even a drizzle of syrup for flavor and color. Healthy, flavorful and full of holiday cheer!
  • Sugar free Jello and cool whip. Red and green sugar free jello, spiced with a dollop of cinnamon cool whip is a relatively healthy and utterly festive Christmas treat that will leave you feeling refreshed and filled with spirit. 
Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your holidays, make sure your plans include a check-up by our dentist in Van Nuys - if not during your Christmas vacation, than soon in the New Year, and have yourself a healthy little mouth!