Friday, January 25, 2013

Protect the Tot's Teeth at Hamlin Dental Group

Serious dental issues such as inflamed gums and tooth decay are usually considered adult problems. But, many new parents do not realize that proper oral health really begins in the infant's first months. As this is the case, Hamlin Dental Group would like to provide patients with some helpful information related to baby’s oral hygiene, especially since the baby depends on you to safeguard his or her teeth.

In the first year of a child’s life, the baby can suffer from what is commonly known as “baby bottle tooth decay” – that is, the rotting of the teeth which results from repeated exposure to sugary substances. When this occurs, it usually affects the front teeth. To protect your baby from tooth decay, it is important to only fill the bottle with breast milk, water, or formula. Through instituting a pre-toothbrush cleansing routine, one encourages oral health in the first months of life. Take a soft washcloth and gently wipe the baby’s gums after feedings and before and after bedtime. When your son or daughter reaches one year, the child should visit the dentist for the first time, and at this point, cleaning the child’s teeth with a small amount of non-fluoride toothpaste with a small, soft toothbrush may begin.

Hamlin Dental Group in the San Fernando Valley promotes good oral hygiene for the youngest and oldest members of your family. For a trusted dentist in North Hollywood, Van Nuys, or Northridge, don’t hesitate to give us a call! 888-400-8011.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Straight Teeth Are More Important than for Aesthetic Reasons

In our looks-obsessed culture, we can sometimes place too much of an emphasis on the aesthetics of our smiles. It is true that a clean, white smile can be great for self-confidence; however, the team here at Hamlin Dental Group wants our patients to know that straight teeth and a proper bite are also important for overall dental and whole body health.

Many will come to Hamlin Dental Group to meet with a dentist in Van Nuys, concerned about the look of their crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can sometimes be unsightly, but they can also interfere with the cleanliness of the mouth. Because they make the mouth more difficult to properly clean, crowded and misaligned teeth can eventually lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and eventually tooth loss.

An improper bite also has negative repercussions. It can interfere with speech and chewing and can cause headaches as well as pain in the jaw and neck. If you're concerned about pain or oral hygiene stemming from any of these issues, please come visit a Hamlin Dental Group dentist in Northridge, Van Nuys, or North Hollywood. Our staff's goal is to offer the friendliest and gentlest service possible, including life-changing orthodontic work. Schedule a consultation today!

Dr. Wang and team at Hamlin Dental Group

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friendly Team at Woodland Dental Group Excel at Invisalign

It can be a heart-dropping moment in adolescence when a young person learns that his or her dentist is recommending braces. Just hearing that the dreaded corrective gear must be worn for a series of months is painful enough. No matter how many times Mom or Dad says “it’s for your own good,” the child is reluctant to make that seemingly fateful trip to the dentist for fear that his or her comfort level and appearance will be grossly affected. But thanks to current innovations in dentistry, the child with misaligned teeth is afforded much more comfortable (and unnoticeable) options for correcting an under-bite, overbite, or other tooth problems.

The kind dentists of Hamlin Dental Group in the San Fernando Valley offer Invisalign as a teeth-straightening solution. These invisible alignment trays are custom-made for the patient in accordance with the Hamlin orthodontist’s plan for correcting the teeth. As the months go by, the child or adult patient changes out the trays under the advisement of the dental professional. While the trays must be worn daily, they are comfortable and easily removable. And the best part of all, the trays are transparent, so the fixtures will go unnoticed as the teeth are expertly straightened.

If it’s time for your child or teenager to transform the look of their teeth, schedule a consultation at Hamlin Dental Group’s Northridge, Van Nuys, or North Hollywood location today!