Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Take the Milk, Leave the Cookies

Hamlin Dentistry wishes all those celebrating Christmas with family and friends a happy and healthy holiday! Here are a few tips to ensure that keeping up on your oral hygiene remains a part of your family’s holiday plans.
  1. Remember to brush when traveling! Traveling to a hotel or relative’s house often encourages us to break our normal routines, but it’s important to maintain proper brushing habits even for those few days away.
  2. Limit your sugar intake! Just because you and the kids leave out a plate of cookies for Santa doesn’t mean that you have to eat them all. But, as always, the glass of milk can’t hurt when it comes to keeping your teeth and bones strong and healthy. Family dentistry is all about making sure everyone in the family, young and old, is doing the best they can for their teeth. 
  3. Don’t crack a tooth on a candy cane! This one speaks for itself. If you are unlucky enough for this to happen, call Hamlin and we can help you get back to a perfect smile in no time!
By paying close attention to your dental health and scheduling regular visits with Hamlin Dental Group, you'll be sure that your family will have bright and shining smiles in Holiday cards for years to come.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Dentist for Everyone in the Family!

Comprehensive family dentistry requires a team of highly-trained specialists ready to handle the needs of every patient, young and old. For over 15 years, Hamlin Dental Group has been serving the Los Angeles area with general and cosmetic services performed by our experienced and knowledgeable team of dentists and dental assistants. While some dental offices specialize in one thing, making families drive around town to get all of their needs met, Hamlin Dental group has it all.

Whether you visit our child friendly location in Van Nuys, or our luxurious location in North Hollywood, you can be sure that you are getting exactly what you need from a dentist you can trust. Proper oral hygiene is more than just regular brushing, and our dentists can make sure that both kids and adults or doing everything they can for a healthy, happy-looking smile. 

Whether you are looking for a pediatric dentist for the little ones, an orthodontist for teens or adults, or a cosmetic dentist to place veneers or dental implants for mom and dad, Hamlin Dental group offers something for the whole family.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

You're Not Too Busy!

Though you probably think you are. Yes, at Hamlin Dental Group we are perfectly aware that the holidays are upon us and people have a lot of running around to do. It's even possible we have a few things to do of our own!

However, if you are, in fact, overdue for a visit with your North Hollywood, Northridge or Van Nuys dentist, please don't try to use holiday hustle and bustle as an excuse to put off an important visit with your dentist, even if it's only for a routine teeth cleaning. The fact of the matter is that, even with thorough brushing and flossing and overall good oral hygiene, every day our teeth accumulate a substance which is technically known as, er, gunk. (Okay, that's not the actual dental term, but most of you aren't dental professionals. We know this.)

This gunk can accumulate and cause a host of conditions which we will technically describe as icky breath, ouchies, and lots of other things that can really put a serious crimp in your day. Since periodontal problems can also be, in the worst cases, very literally as serious as a heart attack, this is something, I think we can all agree, you definitely want to avoid.

So call us and set up an appointment. We're here to help you avoid ouchies, permanently icky breath, and all the rest. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Don't Go into the Holidays with Grummy Teeth!

The holiday are upon us! With the season in full swing, there’s plenty to love. From Christmas cookies to gift giving to peppermint mochas, embracing the holiday spirit certainly has its perks. Here at the Hamlin Dental Group, our team is excited about the holidays too, and we want to help spread the cheer. When you think about joyous festivities, you probably don’t think about the dentist. Nevertheless, no matter what your background or form of celebration is, our rituals of spending time with one probably all share one thing in common: they make us smile.

Smiling is an important expression of our humanity, but many among us try to mask theirs due to embarrassment from missing or damaged teeth. Our team at Hamlin is dedicated to helping people achieve bright and healthy smiles that they can feel proud of. It might be tempting to put off any dental treatment until the new year, but you should absolutely not wait if you need treatment. Oral hygiene is important, and you can’t fully achieve it without regular visits to the dentist. You’re going to be doing a lot of smiling this season. Make sure it’s a healthy one by taking a visit a top to a top office that practices family dentistry like the Hamlin Dental Group!