Wednesday, August 27, 2014

5 Surprising Little Known Dental Facts

At Hamlin Dental Group, we're all about spreading awareness of good oral hygiene. You probably already know the basics: brush at least twice a day, floss regularly, and get to your dentist for checkups twice a year. Still, there's plenty of fascinating information about your teeth that eludes most people. Here are some great dental facts that everyone should know!

  1. Tooth decay is the most common and widespread disease amongst human beings. It's the 2nd most common disease, behind the common cold, in the US alone, and 3 out of 4 Americans have some form of gum disease! Most don't know it.
  2. Clean teeth can prevent heart attack! Studies have proven a link between gum disease and certain life threatening conditions such as lung disease, stroke, and even heart attack. Practicing good dental habits cuts back on risk. 
  3. Most parents take their kids in for their first visit to the dentist at three, but children should have their first visit at age one. Babies begin to develop their primary teeth six weeks after conception!
  4. The average brushing time is 48 seconds, but that doesn't cut it. Recommended brushing time is for 2  to 3 minutes.
  5. Tooth brushes should be replaced at least every three months to prevent the buildup of bacteria. You should also replace it after a cold. Avoid placing a cap on your toothbrush becuse this actually has the opposite effect of keeping it clean. It makes it easier for bacteria to flourish in the enclosed environment.
Good dental hygiene requires proactive treatment. Since the vast majority of Americans have gum disease, make sure you're not one of them! Visit you dentist regularly, and make sure you're in good shape. Our specialists at Hamlin Dental are ready to take you and are the Dentists in Northridge that residents trust!

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