Friday, October 10, 2014

Bring the Family!

At Hamlin Dental Group, we genuinely pride ourselves on being dentists for the entire family. That means not only understanding how the teeth of a child or teenager might differ from those of their parents or grandparents in terms of dental health, it means understanding that a child, a teenager, and various types of adults have some pretty different concerns.

We started thinking about that while watching the amusing viral video of a 17 year-old teenage boy being driven home from an oral surgery appointment, upset that superstar Beyonce failed to show up -- he had apparently dreamed that he was best friends with the gorgeous singer. While everyone has a different reaction to anesthestia, it's a pretty good example of how teens are different from the rest of us. A young child might have had an even sillier or more imaginative fantasy, while an adult might more quickly realize that he or she is unlikely to have a world famous figure for a BFF.

The joy of family dentistry is being able to work with people at all stages of their life and sometimes the challenge is understanding how to motivate patients to take care of themselves. Sometimes, all you need to do to motivate a middle-aged adult to brush twice a day and floss is a reminder of how high their dental bills might be if they don't. Kids and teens might need a more imaginative touch. After all, Beyonce wouldn't hang out with someone with improper oral hygiene, would she?

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