Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Halloween Candy can Be Scary for Your Teeth!

At Hamlin Dental Group, we are renowned for being the gentle dentists that are trusted throughout Southern California. We provide exceptional service as the premier dentist in North Hollywood, through Northridge, and thanks to our warm, friendly demeanor, we have proven as popular among children as we are among teens, adults and seniors.

As plenty of families throughout L.A. know, we enjoy a good time, as much as anyone, making the fun and macabre pageantry and Hamlin Dental Group a perfect combination. However, our expert dentists also never miss an opportunity to remind our young dental patients of the importance of hygiene while they are out among the Halloween ghouls trick-or-treating for candies that are often filled with sugar and other potentially damaging ingredients.

Among the worst candies for teeth are taffy and those filled with caramel, coconut, or nuts - those that stick to everything inside of the mouth, including the grooves of the teeth. This is a problem because food that sticks to the teeth allows for bacteria to feed on it, often leading to cavity-producing acid. Hard candies like lollipops and jawbreakers may not stick to the teeth, but they can still cause issues, as they take a long time to dissolve, and the longer a food stays in your mouth, the more acidic the mouth becomes.

While there are few (if any) candies that can be considered good for your teeth, we believe that the fun of Halloween and yummy treats can be enjoyed while still protecting one's teeth. Chocolate without any sticky fillings will generally cause far less damage to the teeth than the fruity, gooey candies.

Of course, the best defense against Halloween candies is a regular regimen of brushing and flossing after meals, and regular check-ups from a renowned dentist in Van Nuys at Hamlin Dental Group. This Halloween, enjoy dentistry that is far from scary at Hamlin!

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