Friday, April 19, 2013

Less is Less

We're only human here at Hamlin Dental Group and we're not immune to the latest 'net memes. Even so, it kind of goes without saying that you don't have to be a dentist in Northridge to be simultaneously sort of amused and horrified by the "Actresses Without Teeth" meme that's been going around. We'd feature an image but we don't want to scare any small children.

If you haven't seen it, it's not hard to imagine. Basically, the meme consists of pictures of famous and beautiful actresses with their teeth Photoshopped out. Sometimes, the effect is surreal, sometimes the celebrities really look like glammed up versions of the unfortunate toothless people you might see in a developing country or an extremely poor neighborhood here.

On the other hand, that's not the entire story. Although the pictures are chosen for comic effect, sometimes they still look more attractive than you might expect. If you've seen a few Japanese samurai movies, you'll have noticed the ancient fashion in which aristocratic women and some men in Japan once died their teeth black. It's sort of like that. (According to Wikipedia, the lacquer that was used to blacken teeth in pre-20th century Japan was actually beneficial for teeth back in the days long before flouride and a decent dentist in Van Nuys.)

Still, we've got to say the effect is more weird and funny than even remotely flattering. Which is why we're not forced to mention that if you want to avoid that actress-without-teeth look (at least when you remove your dentures at night), it might be a good idea to schedule a consultation and remember to brush, floss, and rinse with fluoride mouthwash regularly. Right?

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