Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Study Shows that Flouride in Drinking Water Decreases Risk of Tooth Decay

At Hamlin Dental Group, dental health is our top priority, so our interest was certainly piqued at a recent article from the publication Medical News Today. The headline of the piece basically spells it out: 'Adults Who Consume Fluoride in Drinking Water at Decreased Risk for Tooth Decay'.

The article goes on to state that a recent study completed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill of North Carolina and the University of Adelaide in Australia has produced strong evidence that fluoride in drinking water provides dental health benefits to adults and children. At Hamlin, we've understood the value of fluoride in prolonging the strength of tooth enamel for a number of years, and we've wondered about the repercussions of recent trends to avoid fluoride by drinking bottled water instead of public tap water.

As the most trusted dentists in Southern California, we take the health of our community very seriously. Whether you're looking for a dentist in Northridge or a dentist in North Hollywood, we will always have a warm, knowledgeable dental professional eager to assist you in any dental need. Of course, those looking for a dentist in Van Nuys don't have far to look, either, as our practice on Hamlin is right in the heart of Van Nuys.

Regardless of which region of the valley our patients hail from, we want to make sure their teeth are strong and healthy, well into old age. That's why we recommend those who elect to avoid fluoride-fortified drinking water rinse with fluoride mouthwash on a regular basis. At Hamlin, we always love to see you, but hopefully only for regular cleanings, and not emergency dental issues!

To schedule a consultation, contact us today, and remember to brush, floss, and rinse with fluoride mouthwash regularly!

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