Thursday, December 11, 2014

You're Not Too Busy!

Though you probably think you are. Yes, at Hamlin Dental Group we are perfectly aware that the holidays are upon us and people have a lot of running around to do. It's even possible we have a few things to do of our own!

However, if you are, in fact, overdue for a visit with your North Hollywood, Northridge or Van Nuys dentist, please don't try to use holiday hustle and bustle as an excuse to put off an important visit with your dentist, even if it's only for a routine teeth cleaning. The fact of the matter is that, even with thorough brushing and flossing and overall good oral hygiene, every day our teeth accumulate a substance which is technically known as, er, gunk. (Okay, that's not the actual dental term, but most of you aren't dental professionals. We know this.)

This gunk can accumulate and cause a host of conditions which we will technically describe as icky breath, ouchies, and lots of other things that can really put a serious crimp in your day. Since periodontal problems can also be, in the worst cases, very literally as serious as a heart attack, this is something, I think we can all agree, you definitely want to avoid.

So call us and set up an appointment. We're here to help you avoid ouchies, permanently icky breath, and all the rest. 

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