Friday, August 15, 2014

Tips For Avoiding Teeth Stains

At Hamlin Dental Group many patients ask us what foods and drinks stain their teeth the most in order to avoid them. We’d never encourage you to avoid any foods or beverages -but you can do some things to help fight stains. First of all, don't let stain-causing foods and drinks stay in your mouth for long. Instead, swallow and chew them quickly to help protect your teeth. It's also important to rinse and brush after eating.

Another tip is to use a straw to sip on some of these drinks. This way, the liquids are kept away from your teeth and reduce the risk of staining. While iced coffee and tea are easy to drink through a straw, hot beverages and wine are more difficult. Be sure to rinse with a sip of water in between and after drinking.

Tea has many great health benefits, but black teas and other dark-hued teas can cause teeth staining. Our dentist in North Hollywood says by adding some milk into these dark teas or sticking to green, white, or herbal teas to lessen the staining.

Berries like blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and other brightly colored fruits can stain teeth. The juices from berry pies or tarts can also cause discoloration. Our dentist in Northridge suggests opting for light colored grapes instead or just be sure to brush & floss because the acidic components can harm tooth enamel.

Who can resist a glass of red wine with a nice dinner? Just make sure to drink water and swoosh it around in your mouth in between sips, because the acidic content of red wine can cause staining and wear away tooth enamel.

We look forward to seeing you and hearing about your success stories regarding these tips!

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