Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hamlin Dental Group Dentists Are Not So Scary

We remember being scared of going to our North Hollywood dentist as children. Sure it meant we got to take a part of the day off from school, but the thought of being strapped down to that over-elongated dentist’s chair with a light blue drool napkin tied around our necks brought shivers down our spines!  Our fears were pretty strong, but it never got to the point where any one of us actually created a elaborate story in order to escape that annual check-up!

We just heard about the 12 year old boy in France who faked his own kidnapping to avoid going to the dentist. The boy invented an amazing story of how he was captured by a scar-faced villain who lured him to his car for directions in Bagnols as he was heading to his family dentistry. For a month he had appeared to have gotten away scot-free with this story, until officers called him in for questioning once more, after reviewing security footage from the city. When confronted about his tall tale, the boy confessed to making the entire story up so he wouldn't have to go to the dentist. Funny how he was extremely scared of going to the dentist, but very brave when it came to lying to the police!

Hamlin Dental Group does not want you or your family to ever fear our dentists to this degree! That’s we always try to make everyone, young and old, feel comfortable, and relaxed as possible.

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