Friday, October 4, 2013

Flossing: "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" ?

Every time you go to the dentist, what's one question you're likely to hear? 

...If you answered "do you floss regularly?" - then you're right! 

While many people seem to think that flossing is optional, at Hamlin Dental Group we consider it an integral part of personal hygiene. After all, The American Dental Association recommends you should floss twice a day, but most people don't floss at all. Others may be sneaky and only floss when they know they have a dental appointment coming up, as it can take time for the gums to get used to flossing so they don't bleed or swell, and they don't want the dentist to notice. 

Remember that while a toothbrush is designed to clean the surfaces of your teeth, only floss and interdental cleaners can get to the ever-so critical areas in between your teeth, where a brush cannot reach. Flossing is important not just to maintain your pearly whites and have good hygiene, but to ward off periodontal diseases, which includes diseases of the teeth, gums and mouth. Remember, the teeth are one of the few areas of the body which cannot regenerate once damaged, so it is important to maintain proper dental hygiene to keep your mouth healthy. So the next time you come to your dentist in North Hollywood or a dentist in Van Nuys, be sure to tell them that you floss, and make sure you're actually telling the truth!

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