Thursday, September 5, 2013

Teeth to the Future: Smart Sensor Could Track your Eating and Drinking Habits

At Hamlin Dental Group, our patients have come to trust us to provide the gentlest dental care possible, and always with exquisite skill and expert knowledge. However, despite our reputation as the premier dentist in Van Nuys and throughout the San Fernando Valley, we are not ashamed to admit that at times, even our world-class dental team find themselves surprised by the latest oral innovations.

A perfect example of this is a high tech smart tooth sensor that brings the internet to one of the last frontiers possible...your mouth! New York Daily News reports that the Wi-Fi enabled tracker, developed and tested by scientists at National Taiwan University, is designed to track how much you eat, drink, cough, chew, and more.

No doubt, there are some who are wondering why the heck anyone would want to gather all this data regarding the mouth's every activity, but as our team featuring the top dentist in Northridge all the way to North Hollywood is well aware, the importance of the mouth to overall health can scarcely be overstated. "Because the mouth is an opening into human health, this oral sensory system has the potential to enhance existing oral-related healthcare monitoring applications such as dietary tracking," researchers wrote in a report.

The results of the study found that the tooth sensor was accurate regarding a subjects oral activities 93.8% of the time, which, while impressive, suggests their is likely further calibration necessary before the results can be fully utilized. However, at the speed that technology seems to move these days, we won't be surprised if we see these tooth sensors leading to substantial shifts in dental care in the coming years.

Of course, whether your teeth are online or analog, you can always trust Hamlin Dental Group to provide truly top-notch dental care!


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