Friday, March 29, 2013

The Greatest Love of All?

We're found of quoting these words of wisdom from the late comedian and children's show host, Soupy Sales: "Be true to your teeth, and they'll never be false to you." Still, we at Hamlin Dental Group can't help but be impressed by the unwavering commitment to our pearly white friends of viral YouTube sensation, Kansas resident Abbie Kritz.

As any oral surgeon or dentist in Van Nuys or anywhere else can tell you, patients can often have interesting and amusing reactions to the very safe yet definitely powerfully effective anesthetics that we use. Ms. Kritz, who really does seem to be a very nice young lady,  was apparently captured on tape by her mother and boyfriend as they were driving her home from having her wisdom teeth removed. Her feelings were marked by amusingly sincere remorse for her lost friends, her wisdom teeth. While it's pretty funny, we have to say we find ourselves oddly moved. It's pretty obvious that Ms. Kritz is a very nice young lady, and we strongly suspect that any pets she has are very well taken care of.

In case you haven't seen the video can yet, you can see what we mean right here.

Of course, all of this is in good fun. Ms. Kritz is back to normal now and enjoying her 15 minutes of fame (she was just featured on "Good Morning, America" and her Twitter feed is quite busy). She is no doubt aware that, while teeth are very important, they probably don't have any individual consciousness. Still, a dentist in Northridge or anywhere else has to be impressed with her passion.

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