At Hamlin Dental
Group, we believe in gentle treatment to ensure the comfort of our patients. In that regard, thank goodness for anesthesiology because, without it, that job would be much more difficult. By the late 19th century, pioneers in the field gave us anesthesia which revolutionized medicine, and allowed for much easier surgical procedures that took away the patient's pain. Considering the intimate nature of the work, it's no wonder to us that it was a dentist to make the discovery.
The new play "Ether Dome", a production of California's own La Jolla Playhouse, follows real life Connecticut dentist Dr. Horace Wells who first pioneered the use of nitrous oxide to dull his patient's pain. After pairing with William Morton, the duo began using ether to eliminate pain entirely. Though anesthesiology and the methods to dull pain are much more advanced today, without these first important steps, a trip to the dentist would be less of the carefree experience that it is at Hamlin, and more of arduous undertaking.
Though we wouldn't blame you for wanting to stay away from the dentist in the 1800s, there's definitely no reason to avoid a checkup today. Good oral hygiene isn't enough; a trip to the dentist is the only sure way to prevent serious dental issues like gum disease and tooth decay. The Hamlin Dental group is here for you as one of the top practitioners of family dentistry in the LA area.